Acupuncture Acupuncture is the most well-known technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine.It is globally recognized by organizations such as Unesco which has declared it a world cultural heritage since 2010, also known for World Health Organization. Since 1979 that it has proven its effectiveness in 43 diseases (Bannerman, R. H., 1979, Acupuncture: the WHO View. World Health, December, p2728).
Since then, several scientific investigations were made in the West, which reveal its efficacy in more than 100 diseases.
Acupuncture Acupuncture consists in the insertion of very fine needles in specific points of the body in order to rebalance the vital energy (Qi) of the organism and thus eliminate the disease.
Acupuncture points are defined based on the patient's diagnosis. Once the needles are in, most patients feel a sense of relaxation while releasing tension.
A ventosaterapia melhora significativamente a circulação sanguínea e liberta tensão muscular, através da sucção dos tecidos obtida pelo efeito de vácuo que as ventosas criam. É usada em quadros de dor, tensão muscular e rigidez.
Moxabustão é a estimulação de pontos de acupuntura ou zonas do corpo através do calor produzido pela combustão da Artemisia (Ai Ye). O tratamento de moxabustão pode ser aplicado em simultâneo com a acupuntura.
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